I’ve always associated the fast-food chain “Jack in the Box” with the western and southern states but I guess once upon a time Jack lived out here too.
I recently found this old coupon in a table in my mom’s basement which expired in 1980. (click on the image for close up)
This coupon states Jack’s location was in Natick and “Opposite Shopper’s World” (must have meant diagonally and up the street a bit)
That’s a pretty good deal to get a “trio” for $1.69!
3 responses so far ↓
1 Eric // Oct 22, 2009 at 4:33 pm
Michelle: The Jack in the Box was on the site where Lenscrafters is currently located. It sat in front of the Sack Cinema.
2 Shawn // Oct 24, 2009 at 8:10 am
I fondly remember another JitB located in Brighton Center. Loved going there for the tacos.
3 Nostalgio // Feb 6, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Eric has it right. Jack in the Box was in front of the Lowe’s theatre in Natick right at the town line. I remember they used to donate coupons for free goodies during Natick’s 4th of July celebrations at Memorial Field (where the Natick Redmen football games were). Any kind that went to the field and watched Rex Trailer do his bull-whip routine would get all kinds of goodies, among which were those coupons.
After the Jack in the Box closed, a fast food place called “The Taco Maker” moved in and stayed for several years; I think that was the end of that site hosting an eatery.
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