I know it’s crazy but I’ve never been to Casey’s in Natick for a hot dog. Last week my om and I decided to head down and see what it’s like.
The place is tiny with maybe 10 stools and since it’s a very tight fit in there they have an order window on the right side of the building where you can take your dog to go.
It’s funny that even though it’s so small, there are three guys working behind the counter, all keeping busy. One cooks, one handles the people at the counter and one works the take-out window.
My mom and I both got a dog with mustard, ketchup and onions (they put under the dog) and we thought it was interesting that they cut them in half for some reason.
They also serve a limited menu of hamburgers, ham sandwiches, and a couple of other things but most people seemed to get a hot dog. It’s a really interesting little building and worth sitting at the counter if you can. Casey’s is at 36 South Ave., Natick.
June 1st, 2009 · 3 Comments
Tags: *Natick · restaurants
3 responses so far ↓
1 erin // Jun 3, 2009 at 4:09 pm
love casey’s! don’t get there often enough. it was there that i discovered that raw onion is an acceptable substitute when sauerkraut’s unavailable.
2 Mike D // Jun 5, 2009 at 7:36 am
Mmmm. 2 all around please
3 Nostalgio // Feb 6, 2010 at 3:19 pm
One cannot seriously claim to be from Natick unless they’ve eaten here. I remember when this place was over on Washington Street. I wish it were still at that spot now that the poor litter diner sits in the eclipse zone of the towering condos/apartments beside it.
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